Our Services
We assist our clients with the recovery of outstanding accounts and undertake credit checks on
individuals and companies based in the Channel Islands.
Debt Collection
We issue proceedings for recovery of outstanding accounts through the Petty Debts and Royal Courts of Jersey which are taken on by deed of assignment.
Collection fees are payable by the creditor client and our schedule of fees is available upon request.
If a judgment is obtained but proves to be irrecoverable, a disbursement charge is payable by the client to cover costs incurred by Cashback Limited. A judgment is valid for ten years in Jersey and files are retained for this period.
If new information comes to light at a later date which would enable enforcement, the file can be reactivated for further action.
If a debtor disputes an action in Court, this can either be adjourned in order for further discussions to take place or the Court will order that a mediation hearing be set.
Cashback Limited reserves the right to charge fees for time spent in preparing documentation for Court and appearance at the mediation hearing.

Credit Checking
We work closely with Channel Island Data Service Limited in Guernsey to obtain credit checks on individuals based in the Channel Islands and the United Kingdom.
We can also provide credit checks on U.K. and international companies.
Costs for credit checks are available upon application.
Judgment Reports
Cashback Limited offer a judgment information service whereby details of judgments obtained in Petty Debts or Royal Court are sent to subscribing clients on a weekly basis giving an “up to the minute” list of judgments. Please contact our office for further details.

Get in Touch
Please call or email us about your requirements.
+44 (0)1534 481108